Death of Doctor Strange #3

Marvel ⋅ 2021

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Key Facts

1st cameo appearance of the child of the Three Mothers

Issue Details




Kaare Andrews


Jed MacKay


November 2021


CHAPTER FIVE: THE PEREGRINE CHILD / CHAPTER SIX: A KNIFE OF MEMORY / CHAPTER SEVEN: INVASIVE SURGERY MEET THE THREE MOTHERS! With no Sorcerer Supreme, Earth is left entirely defenseless against the mother—MOTHERS—of all mystical threats. Meet the Three Mothers: the Wyrd, an alien mage-priestess; the Crown, a powerful warrior-queen; and the Crawling, a monstress composed of acid-mouthed worms. Will they be the Marvel Universe’s undoing? And were they the ones who killed Stephen Strange?! In the vein of the Black Order, don’t miss the first appearances of the next great Marvel villain team!

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